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Jan 19, 2020 Home - RSA The RSA is a charity which encourages the release of human potential to address the challenges that society faces. Join us to help shape the future. The RSA uses cookies on this website. By using this website you are agreeing to our use of cookies. RSA - Wikipedia RSA je metoda šifriranja koja se zasniva na tome da dugo traje pronaći proste brojeve kod velikih prirodnih brojeva. [1] Objavljen je 1978 od strane: Ronalda Rivesta, Adija Shamira i Leonarda Adlemana po kojima je i dobio ime. [1]Uvod. RSA koristi algoritam asimetričnog ključa koji prema tome ima dva različita ključa: javni i privatni. [2] [3]Javni je poznat svima i služi samo za RSA-eljárás – Wikipédia

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RSA – Уикипедия RSA е алгоритъм за шифриране на данни, при който се използват различни ключове за шифриране и дешифриране. Наименованието идва от фамилните имена на създателите му Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir и Leonard Adleman.. Патентован е през 1983 г

El RSA a l'è on sistema de crittografia asimmetrega inventaa in del 1977 da Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir e Len Adleman al MIT.A l'è staa vun di primm algoritm a ciav publega e 'l primm bon de firmà oltra che cifrà. Brevettaa in del 1983, a l'è staa desecretaa in del 1997.

Apr 25, 2015 · The RSA patent covers an encryption algorithm which is used in secure communications. This software patent was the result of a lot of research and it was innovative. It was not possible to overturn the patent by any form of re-examination. The RSA patent is thus a good example of why Raising examination standards won't fix much.