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Windows 8 - Dial-up connection and Cisco VPN Client problem When I connect to Internet using Dial-up connection and then I connect to my company VPN using Cisco VPN Client I lost all internet connectivity in the Windows 8 on desktop and Metro apps. Connection works but is completly useless I can't connect to … CISCO VPN Client – How to solve Reason 442: Failed to Jul 08, 2015 5 Steps to make Cisco VPN Client work in Windows 8

Cisco VPN Client and Windows 8.1 Preview - Determinist

Install Cisco VPN Client on Windows 7/8.1/10 - Page 3 of 3

CISCO VPN Client – How to solve Reason 442: Failed to

May 11, 2020 [Solved] Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Cisco IPsec VPN Client Cisco IPSec VPN Client is not supported on Windows 8. Cisco VPN client ( for x64, for x86) is working for some people. But for that you need to apply a small Registry workaround as below – 1. Open Registry editor regedit in Run prompt 2. Browse to the Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services