Apr 07, 2017 · The first test you can perform to ensure that your caching name server is working is to use dig to locate the DNS database information for wally2.both.org. To further test your caching name server, use the dig command to obtain the IP Address(es) for some common Internet websites, such as www.opensource.com, CNN, Wired, and any others you like.

Nov 28, 2011 How to Install and Configure DNS Server (Bind 9) on Ubuntu Testing the DNS server with dig & nslookup. To test out our BIND 9 DNS server, we will use another Ubuntu machine & will change its DNS to point out our DNS server. To change the DNS server, open ‘/etc/resol.conf‘ & make the following DNS entry, [email protected]:~$ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf search linuxtechi.local nameserver How to query a DNS server from Linux with DIG, by examples

1) ipconfig /all - this shows all the things like MAC Address, Adapter name, DHCP lease time, DHCP renew time, DNS server. What is the equivalent in linux Ubuntu - I understand ifconfig but ifconfig doesn't give that many information.

Linux for Network Engineers: How to Resolve a Host & Test

How to Install and Configure DNS Server (Bind 9) on Ubuntu

How to Find DNS Information : DNSEnum - Kali Linux DNS Information is crucial when Hacking / Pen-testing is your interest. Different servers related to a Organization or domain are very important to narrow the Hacking attack as in which server are are attacking has what information on it, it may be a mail server or name servers . The Top DNS Servers And What They Offer - DNSimple Blog